Lounge Network New Zealand
Live Chat:



To chat live with one of our NZ Based Sales Representatives, please click on the 'Live Chat Bubble' below. This is located in the footer of this page, at the bottom right.

With our Live Chat system, we don't guarantee that we will be able to answer your question immediately as we may need to talk to one of our Technical Specialists. However as long as you provide your email address, we will get back to you with an answer.




Your IP is logged as . We log all IP's to prevent abuse of our staff and systems.


Please note that this Live Chat service is for Sales enquiries only, and it is not staffed by Server Technicians. Technical support enquiries cannot be answered though our live chat facility. Technical Support enquiries should be submitted via the support page inside your Hosting Control Panel, or via our Lounge Network Contact page.

All prices exclude GST unless otherwise stated. Errors and omissions excepted.
© Copyright Lounge Network, a division of Design Lounge Ltd 2001-2024